Chromatic Network
Social Media
Social Media
Chromatic Network is a social media platform geared towards creatives. The ecosystem allows users to post high quality images and videos that other users can vote on. Users are then ranked based on the quality of the content they post.
Key Features
- Post high quality media users can vote on.
- See proprietary ranking score on posts based off of user votes.
- Uses a “dating app” style voting gesture.
My Role
- Add new features to the iOS app.
- Fix bugs.
- Reduce maintenance costs.
- Guide stakeholder’s vision through technical possibilities/limitations.
- Add interesting interactive elements to entice users
- Transparent Video Tutorials
- Parallaxing media using the accelerometer
- Custom transition animations
Technical Details
- Native iOS
- Swift
- RealmDB
- Cocoapods
- UIKit
- Firebase
- RxSwift/RxCocoa
Challenges & Solutions
Image Clipping
The app was built to only support landscape viewing, which meant any portrait images would letterbox or “clip” around the edges.
- Added “parallaxing” to the images and videos using the accelerometer as the input. Users were then able to tilt their phone to see past the edges of the screen to the hidden clipped content of images.
- Double tap on an image to toggle between the “parallaxing” view or to see a letterboxed “aspect-fit” version of the media.
Lower Maintenance Costs
The app’s code was using 3 different architectures. This is not uncommon for very large projects but this was a small to medium sized codebase. Unfortunately this led to hard to maintain code.
- Slowly refactor the code to use MVVM+C.
- This was rolled out gradually as each area of the code was worked on. Moving forward in this way avoided large up-front costs in refactoring the entire project at once, increasing ROI on the process.
Results & Impact
- Time to implement new features decreased ~50%.
- Finished required feature set.
- Brought the app into a stable state and released to the app store.